
Possible Royalty streams of income that I feel I could gel with include:

SoundExchange: Have I already connected this stream of royalties to my career? No, I just found out about it.

Am I planning to pursue this stream of royalties? Yes, since finding out about it, it seems like a great side piece of income since it covers internet radio and that is a market that can both help with fan base but also doesn’t require current fans to end up on one of my songs.

What is holding me back from pursuing this stream? I need to officiate my catalog a bit more and get more informed but it is in my sights.

Download Sales: Have I already tapped into this? No, I don’t yet feel comfortable enough with my catalog to put any of it for sale.

I am however, planning to tap into this the moment that I feel my music is on a level worth getting paid for by people willing to pay and support the cause.

I am only being held back from this revenue stream by my own self doubt and lack of skin in the game but it will come soon enough.

Sync Licensing: I am actually very interested in tapping into sync licensing! In particular for independent film and creatives and videographers who like to use ambient and/or eclectic sounds.

I only have not tapped into this side of things yet because I am still wrapping my head around impostor’s syndrome and some fear of rejection but I feel my sound getting better and I’m sure I will get there soon.


Sync Licensing


Copyright Infringement and MMA