Unreliable Narrators
This week I had a particularly rough time with the project at hand. I’m not sure if the inspiration fountain was out of ideas or if I just am a bit of a talentless hack ahaha but I definitely felt some struggle when it came to writing everything. I felt that coming into this I was going to crush it as the concept of an unreliable narrator is something I am quite fond of in story telling. I came to find out that it is quite challenging to tell a story from an unreliable side consistently.
That is not to say that I did not enjoy the challenge as I felt it was a way for me tell a very personal story without maybe revealing my background as intimately as I could have (though it would have been very uncomfortable for me). In writing this way I felt I could take jabs at myself or the theme of the song without making it too heavy handed or front loaded which I can really appreciate. I do think there are lots of things I could have improved on lyrically but I don’t hate the end result and this does actually inspire me to take another stab at it on my own time without a time limit.
I would really love to flesh out the ideas a lot more and maybe play with things like sampling of some of my favorite movies revolving around addiction as there are a lot of greatly ironic lines that fit the theme wonderfully without spoiling the entire ending and I find that the heartbreaking delivery of lines by addict characters can be quite powerful and sincere in their mask of insincerity both to themselves and the audience. In a way addicts total insincerity kind of gives away their entire disguise. You can almost certainly spot desperation in the way they say anything, and desperation is something anyone can relate to at their lowest.
Something I really like about music and film as art forms is that you can bring the atmosphere in through sound to help tell a story or convey a message. I decided to employ the help of cricket sounds to help tell the story of deep loneliness that an addict feels though they almost always claim they don’t need anyone. Crickets of course being iconic for being very loud in the quietest (loneliest) of settings.
Up and at em
bright and early
noon plus thirty
I’m so comfy
might just stay in bed
all day
with the lights low
feeling drowsy
in a daze
hold myself
don’t need no one
Eyes glued shut
and I’m wide awake
what a lovely day
so glad I can’t
remember a thing
I used to have to do
so many dreadful things
get out of bed
stay in my head
Until I found new life
my favorite thing
my favorite treat
for you I’d do
Lucky Me
Lucky Me
Lucky Me
Lucky Me
My bag of treats
my favorite treats
when I run out
I call June
and give him things
he’s always got some
and he loves
all the stuff
that I used to
be into
My Plasma Screen
Cause with my favorite treat
I have no need
for worldly things
(I am nothing)
No other desires
(I am nothing)
No other ambitions
I need nothing
I need nothing
I need nothing
(Lucky me)
Lucky me
Lucky me
Here in bed with my favorite thing.
short reprise