This project was really fun to formulate for me. Usually I try and start with a concept, and lately I’ve been playing a game called Fallout New Vegas which has an in game radio that plays a faux radio station with broadcaster and music all in. The broadcaster in game really adds a lot to the atmosphere and ambience and gave me the idea of recording some of his lines to introduce my music. I pulled up the station and recorded some of it for use as a sample. He is who you’re hearing in the beginning and end of the “song”.
I found a loop that I was able to use that gave off the feeling of like a futuristic sounding device switching between channels or “stations” in my song to give the feeling of the listener switching between stations listening to each song long enough to get the gist or vibe of it.
I found 2 acoustic guitar loops that I felt worked really well together then through the power of MIDI I made a drum track to give it a little more vibration this actually sounded pretty good to me and kind of inspired me to use it for a song of it’s own but I didn’t want to do that here so perhaps you’ll hear something familiar on the next one!
Finally, I went to a DJ set in Los Angeles last weekend to see Sammy Virji work his magic live and recorded a bit of that show and through the tools entrusted to me by Logic I was able to cut up one of my favorite parts of the set and pass it through my dynamic mic to use as one of the songs playing on a “station” in my fantasy radio (I put it through a vocal filter to give it some atmospheric texture) and I went on to also do my own short original verse in the end before giving Mr. New Vegas one last opportunity to shine.