3+ Trax MIDI Chune
the finished product
This week’s blog post is about my process making a song using only MIDI tracks (3+ of them). Thanks to the fact that I’m also currently taking a commercial music composition course I was already somewhat familiar with this type of project. I don’t really know how to play any of the instruments that I like to use in my music so MIDI is a god send to me. It’s really quite fun to be able to punch in some drums and make a fun beat that I can just start laying other musical aspects on top of at the press of a few buttons.
These are some drums I punched in that I then was able to switch out for some guitar sounds (thanks to MIDI) that in my opinion added a lot of flavor.
…and here’s an image of the drum pattern I went with that used actual drum sounds! my favorite thing about MIDI is definitely the fact that I can use all sorts of sounds like the bird calls you can hear throughout and the wind chimes I snuck in around the song. I had a ton of fun playing with this great tool!